/* * MICO --- a free CORBA implementation * * MicoCCM written by Frank Pilhofer, sponsored by Alcatel * * This file was automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT! */ #include #include #include "auktion.h" #ifndef __AUKTION__CCM__H__ #define __AUKTION__CCM__H__ namespace MICO_CCM_impls { /* * Glue class for component Auktion::Bieter */ class Auktion_Bieter_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::Bieter, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { friend class Auktion_Bieter_Context_impl; friend class Auktion_Bieter_gebote_impl; private: Auktion::CCM_Bieter * _instance; Auktion::CCM_Bieter_Context * _context; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; Auktion::Bieter::versteigerungenConnections _for_recep_versteigerungen; CORBA::ULong _cookie_for_versteigerungen; ::Auktion::GebotConsumer_var _for_consumer_gebote; public: Auktion_Bieter_impl (Auktion::CCM_Bieter *, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer *); ~Auktion_Bieter_impl (); /* * Component Attributes */ // none /* * Supported Interfaces */ // ::Auktion::Kaeufer void zuschlag( Auktion::Versteigerung_ptr gegenstand, Auktion::Verkaeufer_ptr v); // none /* * Equivalent IDL methods */ // receptacles Components::Cookie * connect_versteigerungen (Auktion::Versteigerung_ptr _value); Auktion::Versteigerung_ptr disconnect_versteigerungen (Components::Cookie * _value); Auktion::Bieter::versteigerungenConnections * get_connections_versteigerungen (); // no publishers // no emitters // consumers ::Auktion::GebotConsumer_ptr get_consumer_gebote (); /* * Inherited Navigation interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr provide_facet (const char *); Components::FacetDescriptions * get_all_facets (); Components::FacetDescriptions * get_named_facets (const Components::NameList &); CORBA::Boolean same_component (CORBA::Object_ptr ref); /* * Inherited Receptacles interface */ Components::Cookie * connect (const char *, CORBA::Object_ptr); void disconnect (const char * name, Components::Cookie *); Components::ConnectionDescriptions * get_connections (const char *); Components::ReceptacleDescriptions * get_all_receptacles (); Components::ReceptacleDescriptions * get_named_receptacles (const Components::NameList &); /* * Inherited Events interface */ Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr get_consumer (const char *); Components::Cookie * subscribe (const char *, Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr); void unsubscribe (const char * name, Components::Cookie *); void connect_consumer (const char *, Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr); Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr disconnect_consumer (const char *); Components::ConsumerDescriptions * get_all_consumers (); Components::ConsumerDescriptions * get_named_consumers (const Components::NameList &); Components::EmitterDescriptions * get_all_emitters (); Components::EmitterDescriptions * get_named_emitters (const Components::NameList &); Components::PublisherDescriptions * get_all_publishers (); Components::PublisherDescriptions * get_named_publishers (const Components::NameList &); /* * Inherited CCMObject interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr get_component_def (); Components::CCMHome_ptr get_ccm_home (); void configuration_complete (); void remove (); Components::ComponentPortDescription * get_all_ports (); /* * Overload default implementation */ CORBA::Object_ptr _get_component (); }; /* * Glue class for consumer gebote of component Auktion::Bieter * type Auktion::Gebot */ class Auktion_Bieter_gebote_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::GebotConsumer, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { private: Auktion_Bieter_impl * _glue; public: Auktion_Bieter_gebote_impl (Auktion_Bieter_impl * _g); ~Auktion_Bieter_gebote_impl (); void push_event (Components::EventBase *); void push_Gebot (Auktion::Gebot *); }; /* * Context class for component Auktion::Bieter */ class Auktion_Bieter_Context_impl : virtual public Auktion::CCM_Bieter_Context { private: Auktion_Bieter_impl * _glue; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; public: Auktion_Bieter_Context_impl (Auktion_Bieter_impl * _g, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _c); ~Auktion_Bieter_Context_impl (); Auktion::Bieter::versteigerungenConnections * get_connections_versteigerungen (); Components::CCMHome_ptr get_CCM_home (); CORBA::Object_ptr get_CCM_object (); }; /* * Glue class for component Auktion::Verkaeufer */ class Auktion_Verkaeufer_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::Verkaeufer, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { friend class Auktion_Verkaeufer_Context_impl; friend class Auktion_Verkaeufer_zuschlag_impl; private: Auktion::CCM_Verkaeufer * _instance; Auktion::CCM_Verkaeufer_Context * _context; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik_var _for_recep_handelsplatz; ::Auktion::KaufConsumer_var _for_consumer_zuschlag; public: Auktion_Verkaeufer_impl (Auktion::CCM_Verkaeufer *, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer *); ~Auktion_Verkaeufer_impl (); /* * Component Attributes */ // none /* * Supported Interfaces */ // none /* * Equivalent IDL methods */ // receptacles void connect_handelsplatz (Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik_ptr _value); Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik_ptr disconnect_handelsplatz (); Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik_ptr get_connection_handelsplatz (); // no publishers // no emitters // consumers ::Auktion::KaufConsumer_ptr get_consumer_zuschlag (); /* * Inherited Navigation interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr provide_facet (const char *); Components::FacetDescriptions * get_all_facets (); Components::FacetDescriptions * get_named_facets (const Components::NameList &); CORBA::Boolean same_component (CORBA::Object_ptr ref); /* * Inherited Receptacles interface */ Components::Cookie * connect (const char *, CORBA::Object_ptr); void disconnect (const char * name, Components::Cookie *); Components::ConnectionDescriptions * get_connections (const char *); Components::ReceptacleDescriptions * get_all_receptacles (); Components::ReceptacleDescriptions * get_named_receptacles (const Components::NameList &); /* * Inherited Events interface */ Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr get_consumer (const char *); Components::Cookie * subscribe (const char *, Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr); void unsubscribe (const char * name, Components::Cookie *); void connect_consumer (const char *, Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr); Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr disconnect_consumer (const char *); Components::ConsumerDescriptions * get_all_consumers (); Components::ConsumerDescriptions * get_named_consumers (const Components::NameList &); Components::EmitterDescriptions * get_all_emitters (); Components::EmitterDescriptions * get_named_emitters (const Components::NameList &); Components::PublisherDescriptions * get_all_publishers (); Components::PublisherDescriptions * get_named_publishers (const Components::NameList &); /* * Inherited CCMObject interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr get_component_def (); Components::CCMHome_ptr get_ccm_home (); void configuration_complete (); void remove (); Components::ComponentPortDescription * get_all_ports (); /* * Overload default implementation */ CORBA::Object_ptr _get_component (); }; /* * Glue class for consumer zuschlag of component Auktion::Verkaeufer * type Auktion::Kauf */ class Auktion_Verkaeufer_zuschlag_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::KaufConsumer, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { private: Auktion_Verkaeufer_impl * _glue; public: Auktion_Verkaeufer_zuschlag_impl (Auktion_Verkaeufer_impl * _g); ~Auktion_Verkaeufer_zuschlag_impl (); void push_event (Components::EventBase *); void push_Kauf (Auktion::Kauf *); }; /* * Context class for component Auktion::Verkaeufer */ class Auktion_Verkaeufer_Context_impl : virtual public Auktion::CCM_Verkaeufer_Context { private: Auktion_Verkaeufer_impl * _glue; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; public: Auktion_Verkaeufer_Context_impl (Auktion_Verkaeufer_impl * _g, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _c); ~Auktion_Verkaeufer_Context_impl (); Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik_ptr get_connection_handelsplatz (); Components::CCMHome_ptr get_CCM_home (); CORBA::Object_ptr get_CCM_object (); }; /* * Glue class for component Auktion::Auktionshaus */ class Auktion_Auktionshaus_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::Auktionshaus, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { friend class Auktion_Auktionshaus_Context_impl; friend class Auktion_Auktionshaus_auktionen_impl; private: Auktion::CCM_Auktionshaus * _instance; Auktion::CCM_Auktionshaus_Context * _context; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; PortableServer::ServantBase_var _glue_for_facet_auktionen; Auktion::CCM_VersteigerungsFabrik_var _instance_for_facet_auktionen; Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik_var _reference_for_facet_auktionen; Components::SubscriberDescriptions _for_publisher_gebote; CORBA::ULong _cookie_for_gebote; public: Auktion_Auktionshaus_impl (Auktion::CCM_Auktionshaus *, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer *); ~Auktion_Auktionshaus_impl (); /* * Component Attributes */ // none /* * Supported Interfaces */ // none /* * Equivalent IDL methods */ Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik_ptr provide_auktionen (); // no receptacles // publishers Components::Cookie * subscribe_gebote (::Auktion::GebotConsumer_ptr consumer); ::Auktion::GebotConsumer_ptr unsubscribe_gebote (Components::Cookie * _value); // no emitters // no consumers /* * Inherited Navigation interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr provide_facet (const char *); Components::FacetDescriptions * get_all_facets (); Components::FacetDescriptions * get_named_facets (const Components::NameList &); CORBA::Boolean same_component (CORBA::Object_ptr ref); /* * Inherited Receptacles interface */ Components::Cookie * connect (const char *, CORBA::Object_ptr); void disconnect (const char * name, Components::Cookie *); Components::ConnectionDescriptions * get_connections (const char *); Components::ReceptacleDescriptions * get_all_receptacles (); Components::ReceptacleDescriptions * get_named_receptacles (const Components::NameList &); /* * Inherited Events interface */ Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr get_consumer (const char *); Components::Cookie * subscribe (const char *, Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr); void unsubscribe (const char * name, Components::Cookie *); void connect_consumer (const char *, Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr); Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr disconnect_consumer (const char *); Components::ConsumerDescriptions * get_all_consumers (); Components::ConsumerDescriptions * get_named_consumers (const Components::NameList &); Components::EmitterDescriptions * get_all_emitters (); Components::EmitterDescriptions * get_named_emitters (const Components::NameList &); Components::PublisherDescriptions * get_all_publishers (); Components::PublisherDescriptions * get_named_publishers (const Components::NameList &); /* * Inherited CCMObject interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr get_component_def (); Components::CCMHome_ptr get_ccm_home (); void configuration_complete (); void remove (); Components::ComponentPortDescription * get_all_ports (); /* * Overload default implementation */ CORBA::Object_ptr _get_component (); }; /* * Glue class for facet auktionen of component Auktion::Auktionshaus * type Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik */ class Auktion_Auktionshaus_auktionen_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::VersteigerungsFabrik, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { private: Auktion_Auktionshaus_impl * _glue; public: Auktion_Auktionshaus_auktionen_impl (Auktion_Auktionshaus_impl *_g); ~Auktion_Auktionshaus_auktionen_impl (); /* * Attributes */ // none /* * Operations */ Auktion::Versteigerung_ptr neue_auktion( const char* name, CORBA::Long minimalgebot, Auktion::Verkaeufer_ptr besitzer); /* * Overload default implementation */ CORBA::Object_ptr _get_component (); }; /* * Context class for component Auktion::Auktionshaus */ class Auktion_Auktionshaus_Context_impl : virtual public Auktion::CCM_Auktionshaus_Context { private: Auktion_Auktionshaus_impl * _glue; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; public: Auktion_Auktionshaus_Context_impl (Auktion_Auktionshaus_impl * _g, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _c); ~Auktion_Auktionshaus_Context_impl (); void push_gebote (::Auktion::Gebot *); Components::CCMHome_ptr get_CCM_home (); CORBA::Object_ptr get_CCM_object (); }; /* * Glue class for home Auktion::Welt */ class Auktion_Welt_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::Welt, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { private: Auktion::CCM_Welt * _instance; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; public: Auktion_Welt_impl (Auktion::CCM_Welt *, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer *); ~Auktion_Welt_impl (); /* * Implicit operations */ Auktion::Auktionshaus_ptr create (); /* * Explicit operations */ // no factories // no finders // no attributes // no operations /* * Inherited CCMHome interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr get_component_def (); CORBA::Object_ptr get_home_def (); void remove_component (Components::CCMObject_ptr comp); /* * Inherited KeylessCCMHome interface */ Components::CCMObject_ptr create_component (); }; /* * Glue class for component Auktion::ProduktFilter */ class Auktion_ProduktFilter_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::ProduktFilter, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { friend class Auktion_ProduktFilter_Context_impl; friend class Auktion_ProduktFilter_eingehende_gebote_impl; private: Auktion::CCM_ProduktFilter * _instance; Auktion::CCM_ProduktFilter_Context * _context; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; Components::SubscriberDescriptions _for_publisher_interessante_gebote; CORBA::ULong _cookie_for_interessante_gebote; ::Auktion::GebotConsumer_var _for_consumer_eingehende_gebote; public: Auktion_ProduktFilter_impl (Auktion::CCM_ProduktFilter *, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer *); ~Auktion_ProduktFilter_impl (); /* * Component Attributes */ char* interessanter_gegenstand (); void interessanter_gegenstand (const char* _value); /* * Supported Interfaces */ // none /* * Equivalent IDL methods */ // no receptacles // publishers Components::Cookie * subscribe_interessante_gebote (::Auktion::GebotConsumer_ptr consumer); ::Auktion::GebotConsumer_ptr unsubscribe_interessante_gebote (Components::Cookie * _value); // no emitters // consumers ::Auktion::GebotConsumer_ptr get_consumer_eingehende_gebote (); /* * Inherited Navigation interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr provide_facet (const char *); Components::FacetDescriptions * get_all_facets (); Components::FacetDescriptions * get_named_facets (const Components::NameList &); CORBA::Boolean same_component (CORBA::Object_ptr ref); /* * Inherited Receptacles interface */ Components::Cookie * connect (const char *, CORBA::Object_ptr); void disconnect (const char * name, Components::Cookie *); Components::ConnectionDescriptions * get_connections (const char *); Components::ReceptacleDescriptions * get_all_receptacles (); Components::ReceptacleDescriptions * get_named_receptacles (const Components::NameList &); /* * Inherited Events interface */ Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr get_consumer (const char *); Components::Cookie * subscribe (const char *, Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr); void unsubscribe (const char * name, Components::Cookie *); void connect_consumer (const char *, Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr); Components::EventConsumerBase_ptr disconnect_consumer (const char *); Components::ConsumerDescriptions * get_all_consumers (); Components::ConsumerDescriptions * get_named_consumers (const Components::NameList &); Components::EmitterDescriptions * get_all_emitters (); Components::EmitterDescriptions * get_named_emitters (const Components::NameList &); Components::PublisherDescriptions * get_all_publishers (); Components::PublisherDescriptions * get_named_publishers (const Components::NameList &); /* * Inherited CCMObject interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr get_component_def (); Components::CCMHome_ptr get_ccm_home (); void configuration_complete (); void remove (); Components::ComponentPortDescription * get_all_ports (); /* * Overload default implementation */ CORBA::Object_ptr _get_component (); }; /* * Glue class for consumer eingehende_gebote of component Auktion::ProduktFilter * type Auktion::Gebot */ class Auktion_ProduktFilter_eingehende_gebote_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::GebotConsumer, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { private: Auktion_ProduktFilter_impl * _glue; public: Auktion_ProduktFilter_eingehende_gebote_impl (Auktion_ProduktFilter_impl * _g); ~Auktion_ProduktFilter_eingehende_gebote_impl (); void push_event (Components::EventBase *); void push_Gebot (Auktion::Gebot *); }; /* * Context class for component Auktion::ProduktFilter */ class Auktion_ProduktFilter_Context_impl : virtual public Auktion::CCM_ProduktFilter_Context { private: Auktion_ProduktFilter_impl * _glue; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; public: Auktion_ProduktFilter_Context_impl (Auktion_ProduktFilter_impl * _g, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _c); ~Auktion_ProduktFilter_Context_impl (); void push_interessante_gebote (::Auktion::Gebot *); Components::CCMHome_ptr get_CCM_home (); CORBA::Object_ptr get_CCM_object (); }; /* * Glue class for home Auktion::FilterHome */ class Auktion_FilterHome_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::FilterHome, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { private: Auktion::CCM_FilterHome * _instance; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; public: Auktion_FilterHome_impl (Auktion::CCM_FilterHome *, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer *); ~Auktion_FilterHome_impl (); /* * Implicit operations */ Auktion::ProduktFilter_ptr create (); /* * Explicit operations */ // factories Auktion::ProduktFilter_ptr new_filter( const char* gegenstand); // no finders // no attributes // no operations /* * Inherited CCMHome interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr get_component_def (); CORBA::Object_ptr get_home_def (); void remove_component (Components::CCMObject_ptr comp); /* * Inherited KeylessCCMHome interface */ Components::CCMObject_ptr create_component (); }; /* * Glue class for home Auktion::BieterHome */ class Auktion_BieterHome_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::BieterHome, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { private: Auktion::CCM_BieterHome * _instance; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; public: Auktion_BieterHome_impl (Auktion::CCM_BieterHome *, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer *); ~Auktion_BieterHome_impl (); /* * Implicit operations */ Auktion::Bieter_ptr create (); /* * Explicit operations */ // no factories // no finders // no attributes // no operations /* * Inherited CCMHome interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr get_component_def (); CORBA::Object_ptr get_home_def (); void remove_component (Components::CCMObject_ptr comp); /* * Inherited KeylessCCMHome interface */ Components::CCMObject_ptr create_component (); }; /* * Glue class for home Auktion::VerkaeuferHome */ class Auktion_VerkaeuferHome_impl : virtual public POA_Auktion::VerkaeuferHome, virtual public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase { private: Auktion::CCM_VerkaeuferHome * _instance; MICO::CCM::SessionContainer * _container; public: Auktion_VerkaeuferHome_impl (Auktion::CCM_VerkaeuferHome *, MICO::CCM::SessionContainer *); ~Auktion_VerkaeuferHome_impl (); /* * Implicit operations */ Auktion::Verkaeufer_ptr create (); /* * Explicit operations */ // no factories // no finders // no attributes // no operations /* * Inherited CCMHome interface */ CORBA::Object_ptr get_component_def (); CORBA::Object_ptr get_home_def (); void remove_component (Components::CCMObject_ptr comp); /* * Inherited KeylessCCMHome interface */ Components::CCMObject_ptr create_component (); }; // end of namespace MICO_CCM_impls } #endif